Nutriphyte Capsules : A Nutritional supplement made from Natural sources that combine : a powerful Antioxidant with cardio protective and vascular strengthening properties, A rich source of Protein, Vitamins A, D, E, K and B Complex, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Potassium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Chlorophyll and Alpha Lipoic Acid and Gamma Linolenic Acid.
Centamin Capsules : Indicated in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteo Arthritis. Not only a Safe and potent anti-inflammatory that provides relief from pain and inflammation but also addresses the Joint degeneration. Centamin is also having antioxidant, anti inflammatory and antihistaminic properties.
Centis Capsules : Indicated in symptoms arising out of venal insufficiency like, Varicose veins, ankle edema and Hemorrhoids.
Hepapahyte Capsules/Syrup : Indicated in Viral hepatitis. Also indicated as a Hepato protector and to promote liver function and appetite.
ImmuNorm Capsules : Promotes general immunity and regulates altered Immunity. Recommended in patients with Immuno deficiency, Altered Immunity and allergic manifestations. |