Products |
A herbal “Anti diarrhoeal & Anti dysenteric”.
Ambimap possesses multi-purpose approach to control and cure Diarrhoea (Atisar) and Dysenteries (Pravahika). Counteracts parasitic infection. Effectively controls spasmodic episodes & patient gets relief very quickly. |
Manages Acidity – Naturally.
Amlant helps in the treatment of Hyperacidity, Acid Peptic Disorders, Duodenal Ulcer and Peptic Ulcer Syndrome. Amlant also improves functioning of Digestive System. There is no re-bound phenomenon (reoccurring of acidity pain etc.) as is common with modern medicines. The night sleep is not disturbed due to 12 hours by dosage gives relief from nightly secretion of acid. |
Effective and Safe Treatment for Asthamatics.
Asthomap reduces intensity and frequency of asthmatic attacks and helps in Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Respiratory allergies and in treatment of chronic cough. Unlike steroidal components, it does not produce “moon face”. Long term treatment does not produce tolerance. |
Controls Hypertension – Induces Tranquility.
Cardimap is recommended in reducing Hypertension, Anxiety, Tension, Insomnia due to anxiety and stress. It is also effective in cardiac arrhythmias. Produces tranquility and relief of tension. Restores rhythm of heart beat. |
Effectively restores balances of Intestinal Microflora.
Dizomap tones up functions of all concerned organs including the liver, promotes appetite. Helps in Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Anorexia. Rejuvenates gastro-intestinal system and restores the natural secretion of enzymes (natural digestive juices). |
An Outstanding Non – Hormonal Revitalizer for Men.
Energol MA is a Herbal Rasayan which helps in prevention of night emissions, performance and erection. Energol MA is a non-hormonal rejuvenator which produces a steady and positive effect. Produces Libido the urge to enjoy with partner. |
A reliable solution for Diabetes Mellitus.
Glucomap is useful in Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes mellitus patients. Glucomap helps in protecting cardiovascular and nerve tissues from degenerative changes, protects the liver and strengthens its function. Concurrent use reduces dose of insulin also. Does not produce hypoglycaemia (lowering of blood sugar level). |
Natural Energy Booster for the Whole Family
Herbonic is an ideal & delicious family drink. Herbonic provides extra energy to meet the mental and physical challenges during the day. Every fussiest children who do not like milk like its fragrant, satisfying taste in milk. |
An Excellent & Long Lasting Mouth Freshner.
Kanth Sudha is an excellent and tasty mouth freshner, removes bad breath and takes care or oral hygiene. Helpful in patients of pyorrhea (dental disease), and removes bad breath. |
Say no to any type of cough with Kasni.
Kasni is an effective and safe cough syrup for all age groups. Kasni is effective in dry or productive cough, cough associated with common cold and respiratory allergies. It decongests the respiratory system and produces lasting relief. A syrup that can be used in cough of any reason in any season. |
Powerful medicine for non specific discharge in women.
Leucomap is effective and safe for Non-specific leucorrhoea, low backache, malaise & menstrual irregularity. The herb produce astringent action and thereby reduce flow quickly. The foul smell is also reduced effectively. |
Lipomap cleanses excessive fats from the blood, improves circulation. Possess beneficial effects in patients with primary hyperlipidemia. Helps maintain a happy balance in HDL, high density lipids – also called friendly cholesterol and effectively lowers triglycerides thus maintaining the desired level. |
An Ideal Hepato Protective.
Livomap energizes liver and improves flow of bile and prevents formation of gall stones. Helps in the treatment of amoebiasis, infective hepatitis, anaemia and gastro-intestinal problems. It is available in Tablets & Syrup. Can be used as adjuvant treatment in fevers like malaria. Restores the normal life of patients, comparatively fast. |
Maharishi Amrit Kalash |
Highly effective Antioxidant & Free Radical Scavenger.
MAK helps in reducing side effects of Cancer chemotherapy like nausea/vomiting, anorexia, increases Karnofsky score. An ideal food supplement for enhancing body immunity and general well being. Antioxidant property of MAK helps in prevention of atherosclerotic plaques & degenerative diseases. Comes in dual pack of Paste (MAK-4) & Tablets (MAK-5). Ayurvedic revitalize for all ages and can be used in all seasons. For diabetics MAK-4 Sugar Free Tablets are specially formulated, have the same effect as MAK-4 Avaleh (Paste). |
Aromatic Remedy for Common Ailments.
A real life saver – Prandhara. Fast action – immediate relief. Prandhara gives quick relief in Nausea, Vomitting, Nasal congestion, Sinusitis, Headache, Toothache, Flatulence and Hiccough. |
Helps Restore Iron Balance in the Body - Naturally.
Raktda is a valuable tonic for Iron deficiency anaemia, Anaemia due to chronic blood loss and Anaemia during pregnancy & lactation. Raktda provides iron in highly reduced and non-irritating form. Does not produce constipation or diarrhea as Raktda does not irritate intestinal mucosa (Layer). |
Natural Revitalizer – from Puberty to Post Menopausal Stage.
Restone is a unique tonic for the upkeep of general health and well being of ladies. It helps patients adapt to stressful conditions /situations and prevent emotional changes like anxiety, depression and irritability. Comes in a packing of Syrup & Tablets. It quickly restores the tone of body and is useful from Puberty to Post menopausal age in ladies. |
Boosts Intelligence, Memory & Growth in Children.
Vidyarthi Amrit improves memory, stimulates nervous system, enhances mental & physical development of growing children, students. Even in older people prevents mental fag and helps in thinking clearly – intelligently. |
Restorative & Energiser for Female.
Vigoroyal-F corrects sexual disturbances of woman. Acts as a restorative and energizer. Very effective in female frigidity. In working women / house wives infuses fresh energy. |
Restorative & Energiser for Male.
Vigoroyal-M is a Rasayan for men which invigorates and rejuvenates the mind and body and helps to enjoy the bliss of a married life. The precious herbs produce a royal effect in life. |